Affiliates earn a 10% commission, and customers get a 15% discount when buying specific products.

Discover how to provide Affiliate A with a 10% commission and customers get 15% discount when purchasing specific products

Example scenario:

  • Affiliates earn a 10% commission for a product, while the customer gets a 15% discount when they purchase that specific product.

To set up the discussed Program, please install and activate "WPRelay PRO". You can obtain WPRelay PRO Here.

Let’s take a look at the below example in detail.

Example 2: Affiliates earn a 10% commission for a product, while the customer gets a 15% discount when they purchase that specific product.

In this setup, if a purchase is made through an affiliate's link or with a coupon code for the specific products, The Affiliate is rewarded with a 10% commission for the sale, while the customer also receives a 15% discount for the same. This strategy incentivizes both the affiliate and their customers.

  • Step 1: Creating a Program

  • Step 2: Create a Rule

  • Step 3: Assigning an Affiliate to the program

To set up this program and make it live or to test it, you need to follow three steps:

Step 1: Creating a Program

  • Go to WordPress backend -> WPRelay -> Manage -> Programs

  • Click on the "Create Program" button.

Step 2: Create a Rule

The Rule tab will be enabled once the Affiliate commission in the program is checked as “Rule-Based”.

Rule Configuration

Rule title: Give a title for the Rule. ‘10% commission for Affiliates - Specific products’.

Product/ Category: Enter the option ‘Specific products’ and enter the products that should be included in the Tab.

Commission Type: Select the Discount as Percentage and enter the value as 10%. Also, there is an option to set a fixed discount.

Conditions: Select which affiliate this rule should be applied to. This could apply to all affiliates or just a subset of them.

General: Upload the product description and set the validity.

Step 3: Assigning an Affiliate to the program

  • Go to WordPress backend -> WPRelay -> Affiliates

  • Click on the "Create Affiliate" button.

The cart page displays a 10% discount for the customer when a purchase is made using the affiliate’s link:

After the customer has successfully completed the order through the affiliate’s link, the affiliate will receive a 10% commission calculated from the amount of that specific product that the customer has ordered.

Screenshot of My account -> WPRelay page showing commission earned by an Affiliate:

Admins or store owners, if you adjust customer discounts or modify affiliate programs from the "Affiliate" tab, be aware that updates to Affiliate Coupons (in Woocommerce -> Marketing -> Coupons) may take up to a minute due to changes being applied through a scheduled cron job.

Don't have WPRelay yet? Purchase WPRelay PRO now.

Next Steps:

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