Affiliate C earn 10% commission on all sale, while customer gets 5% only while purchasing product A

Discover how to provide Affiliate C with a 10% commission on all sales, with 5% discount offered to customers only while purchasing product A via a simple affiliate program.

Example scenario:

  • Provide Affiliate C with a 10% commission on all sales, while customers enjoy a 5% discount exclusively for purchases of Product A.

To setup the discussed Program, please install and activate "WPRelay PRO". You can obtain WPRelay PRO Here.

Now, let’s take a look at the below example in detail.

Example 3: Provide Affiliate C with a 10% commission on all sales, while customers enjoy a 5% discount exclusively for purchases of Product A.

In this setup, Affiliate C earns a 10% commission when customers make purchases using the affiliate link or coupon code, while customers receive a 5% discount exclusively on product A when they purchase product A.

This scenario incentivizes Affiliate C to promote a wide range of products, while targeting sales for Product A through customer discounts, maximizing revenue and engagement in a straightforward setup.

To set up this program and make it live or to test, you need to follow two steps:

  • Step 1: Creating a Program

  • Step 2: Assigning an Affiliate to the program

Step 1: Creating a Program

  • Go to Wordpress back end -> WPRelay -> Manage -> Progarms

  • Click on "Create Program" button.

Here is the screenshot of program that follows,

Creating Program:

Details of configurations are:

  • Program title and description - Give a title and description for the Program. This title will be helpful while selecting the program in "Affiliates" tab.

  • You also have the option to specify start and end date to set validity for the campaigns.

Offering Affiliate Commission:

Details of configurations are:

  • Affiliate Commission type - choose the commission type as "Simple"

  • Set the "Percentage Per Sale" as 10. You also have other options available like Fixed or No Commission (If "Advanced" is chosen as the commission type, the offering will vary, such as "Number of Referrals per affiliate/ amount," which provides Tiered Commissions or more flexibility).

  • Enable recurring options - enable this checkbox and select "Lifetime" to provide a 5% commission for all orders placed by a customer for lifetime. Alternatively, you can choose "X Number of Orders" and set a value (e.g., 5), allowing the affiliate to earn commission on the first 5 orders plus the initial customer order, totalling 6.

Offering customer discount:

Details of configurations are:

  • Customer Discount Type - choose the discount type as "Percentage Discount" and set the value as 5. You also have other options to set like Fixed Cart, Fixed Product Discount or No Discount.

  • Free Shipping - You have the option to offer free shipping to customers through this Program.

  • Limits - Enable the toggle and from the "Products" option, add Product A to the list of items that customers must purchase through the coupon or affiliate link to get 5% off. You can also set various restrictions includes a minimum spend requirement, individual coupon usage limits, exclusions for sale items, and conditions specifying that certain products or categories must be purchased through the affiliate link to qualify for discounts.

  • Usage Limit Per User - By default, this toggle is enabled and set to 1, meaning customers can only use the affiliate coupon/discount once.

  • Saving the Program - After successfully configuring the program with both affiliate commission and customer discount sections, click on "Save Program" to activate and save it.

NOTE: Affiliates will receive a 10% commission regardless of whether customers purchase Product A. Affiliates earn commissions by simply making customers purchase using affiliate link or code. Meanwhile, customers must purchase Product A to receive a 5% discount on product A.

Step 2: Assigning an Affiliate to the program

  • Go to Wordpress back end -> WPRelay -> Affiliates

  • Click on "Create Affiliate" button.

Details of configurations are:

  • Program: In this section, associate an affiliate with a specific program by typing a few characters of the program title to select it.

  • Personal Info: Under this section, you can enter the first name, last name, and email ID of the affiliate.

  • Finally, click on "Save Affiliate" to complete the process.

  • Approving Affiliates - Ensure to "Approve" the affiliate from the pending tab, as affiliates are initially set to pending status by default.

  • Affiliate code: As soon as admin approves the affiliate, affiliate link and coupon will get auto generated and emailed to Affiliates.

  • Managing WooCommerce Accounts - During the "Approval" process, if the affiliate does not already have a WooCommerce customer account, you'll have the opportunity to create one. Upon creating a WooCommerce account for the affiliate, a password reset email will be sent to them via WooCommerce.

  • If affiliates register through the Affiliate Registration Form, they will appear in the "Pending" status under the Affiliates Tab. When approving these affiliates, you will also have the option to assign a Program to them.

  • Additionally, you can change the Program associated with an affiliate at any time from the Affiliates tab.

When a purchase is made through an affiliate's link or with a coupon code, Affiliate C is awarded with 10% commission for each sale, and the customer benefits from 5% off on product A while they purchase product A.

Let's see how to test this affiliate program as a new customer:

Cart page displays a 5% off applied on product A for the customer when they purchase a product A using the affiliate link:

After a customer completes an order through affiliate link C, the affiliate C will receive a 10% commission calculated from the total amount of the customer's order.

Screenshot of Myaccount -> WPRelay page showing commission earned by an Affiliate C:

As an administrator or store owner, when you update the discount value for a customer within an existing "Program" or modify the "Program" associated with a specific affiliate from the "Affiliate" tab, please note that updates to Affiliate Coupons (located under Woocommerce -> Marketing -> Coupons) may take up to a minute. This is due to changes are applied via a scheduled cron job.

Don't have WPRelay yet? Purchase WPRelay PRO now.

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